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Our offer

Make your MIS switch decision with confidence.

  • 25% off both Satchel One Learning Platform and MIS with a phased rollout plan and break clause
  • Year 1: Launch with the learning platform only to get your students, teachers and parents used to the system
  • Year 2: Introduce MIS features with confidence
  • Not ready to switch MIS after year 1? Our break clause gives you the chance to re-evaluate and continue with a learning platform only contract

Switching MIS doesn't have to be daunting when you're switching to Satchel One.

Learn more
Image of MIS logo surrounded by Satchel One's other app logos
Edtech Impact Recommended badge showcasing Satchel One as a recommended tool by the independent reviews site

Here's what our customers have to say about us

4.5/5 from 29 reviews on Edtech Impact logo

Dec 2020

"It was a lifesaver in Lockdown. The company quickly adapted further tools. Now it's a comprehensive site."

Steve | English Teacher
Stowmarket High School
Read full review
Nov 2020

"Saves time, allows me to send web links and the huge variety of types of homework. Amazing support during lockdown and..."

Kim | Science Teacher
The Holmesdale School
Read full review
Oct 2020

"It is very efficient; allows parental access; archives tasks; allows 2 way communication between pupils and teachers; keeps records..."

Emma | Leader of Learning MFL
Looe Community Academy
Read full review
Jul 2020

"Very professional, rapid answer to issues, constantly updating in response to feedback - new facilities added regularly"

Emma | Head of Chemistry
Southam College
Read full review
May 2020

"I have found it incredibly useful during this period of lockdown, however I was using it to enter homework as well and that has..."

Sylvia | Teacher of Religious Education
Sackville School
Read full review
Feb 2020

"It makes setting Homework easy and you know everyone in the class is informed."

James | Assistant Head of Maths
Looe Community Academy
Read full review

Centralised hub for MAT policies

Schools can store centralised MAT policies in their personal Homepage Zones and with reporting functionality across our Attendance, Behaviour, Detentions and Show My Homework apps, individual schools can ensure they're adhering to MAT policy. Trust leads can also enjoy uniform reporting across all schools, easily identify trends and deep dive into data.

  • Uniform reporting across all schools in your multi-academy trust
  • Robust apps that support the tracking, reporting and implementation of attendance, behaviour and homework policies
  • Each school uses the same features and apps to enforce trust-wide policy
  • Prove return on investment with termly usage reports for each school in the trust
  • Facilitate consistent distance learning
Image of the Satchel One learning platform showcasing its Attendance app and Reporting functionality.
Image displaying the SSO functionality in Satchel One and the Timetables software.

Vendor consolidation

Satchel One offers a wide range of award-winning school and classroom management apps. Trusts can create a bespoke platform that works for their schools and enjoy only having to deal with one supplier. Schools can also enjoy SSO login to one platform for all their teaching and learning needs.

  • One platform to support all schools’ needs
  • SSO for individual schools and all apps under one roof
  • Outstanding service, support and training for each school in your trust
  • One main point of contact for trust leads, for all their schools' data
  • Exclusive trust discounts available
Image displaying the SSO functionality in Satchel One and the Timetables software.

Consistency across the whole trust

Consistent tools are the first step in guaranteeing trust-wide unity. Enjoy uniform reporting for the entire trust, customise each school's dashboard to promote your trust's branding and share tasks between schools to encourage best practice.

  • Customisable dashboards help to promote your trust’s sense of community
  • Share best practice and save all your teachers time by sharing tasks across all schools
  • Consistent reporting across all schools makes for easier analysis
Image showcasing how schools in MATs can promote consistency with School Branding.

Are you a Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams School?

Satchel One works seamlessly alongside Google and Microsoft to help schools deliver the complete learning experience. Clever integrations make combined use of these platforms even more powerful. Schools have access to all the tools they need to support student learning, engage parents in the learning process, save teacher time, monitor student behaviour and facilitate distance or blended learning.

  • Official Microsoft Partner and Google for Education Partner
  • Share Satchel One tasks to Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom
  • Single sign-on with your Office 365 or Gmail account
  • Access award-winning tools that effectively support classroom management
  • Keep parents up to date with events and announcements via the parent app
  • Reduce teacher workload with streamlined apps
Image showcasing how Satchel One works alongside Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams

Used by leading trusts across the UK

South Lincolnshire Academies Trust Logo

The Timetables and Seating apps have been invaluable in dealing with Covid cases.

Executive Deputy Headteacher

Multi-academy trust pricing

MAT’s can choose to use the same apps and features in all schools for consistent pricing at as little as £2 per pupil per year, or customise their choices for each school based on their individual needs. To get a full quote, book a demo by clicking the button below:

Book a demo

Your software partner in excellence

Experience outstanding support and training for each school in your multi-academy trust.

  • Bespoke launch plan and supported roll-out
  • Exceptional full staff training
  • 95% CSAT rating
  • Support available to all users, throughout your licence
  • Syncs with your existing MIS


The short answer is no! Satchel One is a bespoke platform that allows schools to pick and choose which apps and features they purchase so they don’t waste money on things they won’t use.

Our dedicated Customer Success team is here to assist you for the full length of your licence with us. From exemplary training and setup to working together on long term goals, we are always ready and excited to help. Our 92% CSAT rating is a reflection of just this, as well as our willingness to always go above and beyond for our customers.

We offer multi year licences with discounts available on longer licences.

Every teacher in the school can access our Technical Support team via a chat feature on the platform and leave them a ticket, or take a look at this page for answers to all our most frequently asked questions.

Satchel One has the power to integrate seamlessly with your school's existing MIS. The level of integration, however, will depend on your provider. Book a demo here to see how Satchel One can work with your MIS.

Looking to switch your current MIS? Satchel One is expanding into an MIS next academic year, combining a full suite of cloud-based MIS features with the power of our learning platform. To stay up to date with our developments, click the link here.

Pricing is based on your school size, licence length and which apps and features you choose. Book a demo here to receive a custom quote for your school.


Speak to the team today!

Whether you’re looking for pricing, a quick demo and login details or more detailed information about getting your school set up, the team will be on hand to help. Fill in the form or give us a call on 020 7197 9550 option 1.

By submitting your details, you consent to allow us to store and process your info to meet your request. You may unsubscribe at any time. Read our Privacy Policy here.
